The Jupiter-J4S 916is aircraft was created by a team of Slovak and Ukrainian designers who had the task of creating the best 4-seat aircraft in the world with a new powerful ROTAX 916iS engine. There are many 4-seat aircraft in the world, such as the Diamond DA 40; Pipestrel Panthera; Cessna 172, 182, 400; Cirrus SR20, SR22; Mooney Bravo; Piper Archer; Beechcraft Bonanza; Socata Tobago, Cetus 1000, RV-10; Dynaero MCR 4S; Flight Design C4; Tecnam P2010, Simba APM41; Sling TSi; The Robin DR400 and all of them can't match the efficiency of the Jupiter-J4S 916is. Thanks to the unique aerodynamic design, retractable landing gear, combined with the powerful efficient latest ROTAX 916iS engine, Jupiter-J4S 916is has the best ratio of fuel efficiency, rate of climb, payload, maximum speed of 400 km. In addition to obtaining high flight performance, in the aerodynamic design of the aircraft, special attention was paid to the safety of the spin. A profile with a smooth dump, a negative geometric turn of the wing, moderate narrowing, a small reverse sweep along the focus line, ailerons with a separate slot with a downward deflection is used. Also, in the root part of the wing panels along the leading edge, there are special raids designed in such a way that with an increase in the angle of attack, the flow break begins at the nose of these breaks. As a result, a diving moment occurs, which prevents a further increase in the angle of attack. Tests of the prototype fully confirmed the effectiveness of the above measures. When losing speed, the aircraft nose down without a tendency to stall, while maintaining effective lateral control. Accelerates, loses speed again and lowers its nose again. When the rudder is deflected to full speed after a loss of speed, a smooth stall begins, which stops without delay after the rudders are in neutral. Exceptional safety for pilots and passengers is an integral part of the Jupiter philosophy. To do this, the Jupiter J4S 916iS is equipped with a ballistic parachute and fire-fighting fuel tanks, as well as an inertial reel seat and shoulder straps that can be blocked from flight due to turbulence. The cab is provided with heating and an installed chassis sensor. For added protection, the cab is equipped with strong carbon reinforcement. Aircraft production is located in Slovakia - Strážske. Thanks to the organization of direct sales on the principle of Tesla cars without the intermediary services of dealers, we have achieved prices for the Jupiter-J4S 916iS aircraft several times lower than those of competitors. At the same time, our private pilot representatives in many countries of the world work for you to get advice on our aircraft, see the Contacts section. Engine service is supported by a network of Rotax service centers worldwide. Jupiter Aircraft, unlike its competitors, does not set a low starting price for a non-flying aircraft, only to increase the price later with a variety of options. You get a fully flight-certified aircraft with optimal Garmin instrumentation, functionality and safety like a big jet.
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